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Andi-Nichole Myles is smiling, wearing a black outfit and seated in a small chair.

On the Journey to Transformation...



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Andi-Nichole Myles is represented exclusively by Engage your Stage. All public speaking engagements are managed through EYS.


Welcome to what I do here...

At MylestoGo Speaking and Consulting I'm inspiring my clients to become Radically Well by elevating the conversation around trauma, trauma-informed practices, and post-traumatic growth. I help individuals, organizations, and communities transition from 'survivorship to thrivorship.' I am committed to providing unique tools that turn trauma into transformation through education, advocacy, and resources that inform and empower all people to overcome the challenges of trauma and discover their full potential for growth and resilience. Through these efforts, I strive to create a world where trauma is understood as part of the human experience, acknowledged, and met with compassion, joy, even humor, and where individuals can thrive even when faced with adversity.

Start Your Journey with the right tools

Using my unique tools and frameworks, I'll guide you, your clients, audience, team, or organization toward authentic wellness and empowerment. The result is a more creative, resilient, and informed constituency ready to take on the challenges of life and work. With an M.A. in i/o Psychology - Coaching and Consulting Concentration and additional certifications in Trauma and Resilience, Integrated Behavioral Health, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I bring both expertise and experience to the professional virtual and in-person speaking, training, coaching and consulting services I offer.

I'm looking for...
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Consulting & training for K-12 or Higher Ed.

People During Workshop
Marketing team meeting

Consulting & training for Advocacy and Nonprofit Orgs.

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Meet Andi-Nichole Myles, M.A., CIBHP

Leader, Speaker, Creator, Idea Igniter, and DV Survivor - but not done yet. 

So many things have made us who we are - and embracing it all - even the hard stuff - is the key. This is how we get up, how we carry on, and how we keep fighting, growing, and learning. Instead of stopping where you are, I equip you, your organization, or group with the tools for the journey because I know we all have MylesToGo. Not sure how to get started?

You've come to the right place!

Shop the Thrivorship Store


See Nichole speak

Speaking Topics

  • Radically Well: The art and science of being okay even when the things are you are not.

  • Thrivorship not Survivorship! What survivors need to move from 'getting by' to living again.

  • The 3 P's of Trauma-Responsive Organizations: People, Policy, and Place

  • Your Trauma isn't Funny (but mine is): Laughter and Joy after Trauma

  • Resilience is not Enough: Why we need Post-Traumatic Growth to Recover

Custom topics and proposals available


Custom Proposals Available

Andi-Nichole Myles is represented exclusively by Engage your Stage. All booking details are managed through EYS.


The Blue Giraffe Blog

Let's get real about resilience, post-traumatic growth, being trauma-informed, re-invention of self, and the ways we can engage in self-care that are good for us. Stumbling, falling, and swearing are all part of the journey -but wherever we're headed we just have to keep going.

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